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Remaking Achievements; Realizing Leapfrog Development—— Solemn Convening of the 2017 Summary and Commendation & the 2018 Business Responsibility Signing Conference of Hailiang Company


Hundreds of boats scramble to gallop on the broad sea; Hailiang also advances bravely. On February 2, 2018, Zhejiang Hailiang Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hailiang Company") convened the 2017 Summary and Commendation & the 2018 Business Responsibility Signing Conference. More than 200 middle and senior managers from Zhejiang, Shanghai, Anhui, Taishan and Zhongshan of Guangdong, Chongqing, Thailand, Vietnam and other bases had a joyous gathering for this grand event. Based on the theme of "Remaking Achievements; Realizing Leapfrog Development", the conference reviewed and summarized the remarkable achievements of the company in 2017, and looked forward to the future by keeping a foothold on the "new era", so as to set sail for and start the new journey of intelligent manufacturing of nonferrous materials.


2017 was the occasion when Hailiang Company achieved strong development. Over the past year, Hailiang Company has been positive and enterprising with steady growth of the annual performance, further expansion of the market share and remarkable results by virtue of the powerful strength and leading industry position! Now, standing on the outlet of "traditional manufacturing" to "intelligent manufacturing", Hailiang Company needs to plan a new round of transformation and upgrading from a global and integrated macro perspective. This conference is the affirmation of the past achievements and also the foundation for the age of Hai Liang Company entering the era of "intelligent manufacturing of nonferrous metal materials".

In the new era, Hailiang Company will show a new look and make new achievements. In the first half of the conference, persons in charge of human resources center, operation center, nonferrous metal research institute, blue collar ecosystem project, Vietnam copper industry and Guangdong copper industry respectively reported their work in 2017 and work plan of 2018. The branches or departments analyzed and summarized problems, and exchanged and shared excellent experience in order to ensure a good start of the 2018 business.


Zhu Zhangquan, chairman and general manager of Hailiang Company

Zhu Zhangquan, chairman and general manager of Hailiang Company, conducted a comprehensive sort for the work in 2017, made an in-depth analysis of the current opportunities and challenges faced by the company, gave a detailed interpretation of 2017 operating data, made the arrangements for the deployment of key tasks in 2018 and gave a clear explanation of the company’s strategic planning from now to 2025. Mr Zhu said that in the past year, under the joint efforts of Hailiangers, Hailiang Company achieved fruitful results: First, the 2.5 billion yuan non-public stock issuance passed the audit; second, the nine major projects advanced in an orderly way; third, blue collar project was started; fourth, R & D system was being steadied established; fifth, the talent training mode was innovated; sixth, the "13th Five-Year" planning was adjusted and the "14th Five-Year" planning was made.

At the same time, he also pointed out that 2018 was a key year for Hailiang Company’s strategic landing as well as transformation and upgrading. The company should focus on the company's development strategy and planning, face the challenge, unite the strength of the entire staff, implement and complete the 2018 business objectives and the year-round objectives in full quality and quantity as well as the key work after non-public stock issuance passed the audit.


Cao Jianguo, chairman and president of the Group, delivered an important speech

Cao Jianguo, chairman and president of the Group, delivered an important speech. First, he affirmed the achievements of Hailiang Company on behalf of the board of Hailiang Group, and thanked all the staff of Hailiang Company for their efforts and contribution. In his speech, he pointed out that Hailiang Company, as the main industry of the three major industries that the Group is focusing on currently, was facing new challenges. Upgrading from copper processing to intelligent manufacturing of nonferrous materials, Hailiang Company needs to establish self-confidence, achieve high profit growth and cope with external environment by multiple means, so as to finally achieve leapfrog development and remake achievements.


Feng Hailiang, chairman of the board of directors of Hailiang Group

Feng Hailiang, chairman of the board of directors of Hailiang Group, gave an inspiring speech. He congratulated on the brilliant achievements of Hailiang Company in 2017, and thanked the staff for their hard work. At the same time, he also made new instructions for Hailiang Company: in the future, Hailiang Company should to seize the opportunity. Although the company’s copper pipe come to the forefront of the world, the market of copper bar and copper line is still small. Thus, there are huge opportunities we need to firmly grab. In addition, Hailiang Company needs to strengthen the team building. It is hoped that Hailiang Company will constantly improve the incentive mechanism and salary mechanism, improve the ability of the team, and learn from other companies' outstanding experience in the process of expansion, finally leading the world in terms of scale and profitability. In the end, he believed that under the leadership of Mr. Zhu, Hailiang Company would become the leader of copper processing industry at the fastest speed.


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In the second half of the conference, ceremony for the 2018 Business Responsibility Signing was held. Under the testimony of the management team of Hailiang Company, Cao Jianguo, chairman of Hailiang Group, signed the 2018 business responsibility letter on behalf of the Group with Zhu Zhangquan, chairman of Hailiang Company. Subsequently, Zhu Zhangquan, chairman of Hailiang Company, signed the business responsibility letters on behalf of the company with the heads of the copper tube business department, Shangyue Profit Center and other units, and further clarified the various indicators and tasks of 2018. Through the decomposition and implementation of the objective responsibility system, the responsibilities, rights and obligations of each unit in 2018 are clearer, which lays the foundation for the enterprises to continuously improve its innovative management capabilities, competitiveness and sustainable development capability in the new year.

The conference also commended and rewarded the advanced collectives, advanced individuals, outstanding contribution team and outstanding individuals of 2017, and thanked them for their hard work and outstanding contribution to the company.


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Carry forward the cause pioneered by the predecessors and forge ahead into the future; maintain the correct and evolve the new. 2018 will be a landmark year in the history of Hailiang Company. It is a year that decides whether Hailiang Company can remake achievements and achieve leapfrog development. It is the key year that decides the future of Hailiang Company. The arrow is fitted to the string. Hailiang Company will strengthen the internal and expand the external, pursue excellence, enhance the artisan spirit, strive to achieve leapfrog development, and finally become an international giant of non-ferrous materials manufacturing!